JD Lock
Lieutenant Colonel, US Army (Retired), MS, PMP, LSSMBB

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Ranger Cadence
"So, Ranger Lock, taking pictures are we? Do you think this is a vacation?!" Just WTF was I thinking?! :)
Ranger School Class 10-80
July - August 1980

R-Day minus 3. Ranger Haircuts. Note the white skull cap.

The company street that left such a lasting impression on our psyche and on the palms of our hands.

Our Harmony Church classroom. Inside dwelled the dreaded ‘Moto Rock.’

“Sir, Ranger Lock, roster number 120, second squad, third platoon.” The only words I would utter in the messhall.

After a session in the hand-to-hand pit, an opportunity to cool down with a rinse under the showers. If you’re lucky, you can even get most of the sawdust off your body.

"All right Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up.” Nothing like getting ready to head out on a patrol soaking wet.
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Ranger School Video
Nice 'Documentary'