JD Lock
Lieutenant Colonel, US Army (Retired), MS, PMP, LSSMBB

World Trade Center
Photo Journal: 11 - 13 September 2001

An iconic image for all the wrong reasons. WTC construction started in 1966 and was completed by 1972. When finished, they were the tallest buildings in the United States at 1,368' (WTC1) and 1,362' (WTC2), 110 stories and 100' taller than the Empire State Building.

From Caven Point, NJ, US Army Corps of Engineers, New York District boat facility - the Towers in the distance, across the harbor, have already collapsed. With the district HQ just blocks north of the WTC, the HQ was moved to Caven Point to facilitate operations.

The WTC complex covered 16 acres when finished. The combined weight of the Twin Towers was more than 1.5 million tonsand they used more power in one day than most small American cities.

Each tower was built to safely sway about three feet during strong wind storms.

The South Tower had an observation deck that was visited by more than 26,000 people a day. An information sign at the top assured visitors that the buildings had been designed to withstand airplane crashes.

In addition to the towers, five other office buildings made up the WTC complex.
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