JD Lock
Lieutenant Colonel, US Army (Retired), MS, PMP, LSSMBB

Hall of Heroes Induction
The Pentagon
06 July 2022
The Pentagon's Hall of Heroes is a room in the Pentagon that honors recipients of the Medal of Honor, the highest military decoration in the United States. The hall is located on the second floor of the D ring in the main concourse.
Traditionally, the awarding of a Medal of Honor is a two phased event - the first being the White House ceremony and the second, a day after, the induction of the recipient(s) into The Pentagon Hall of Heroes. Given Covid restrictions at the time, COL Puckett's induction had to be put off and was included the following with the induction of six new recipients.
Unfortunately, the COL and Mrs. Puckett were unable to attend and my wife, Judy, and I were honored to represent them for the ceremony. That said, as this once 17-year old PV1 sat there, with four recipients to my left, another to my right, and me sitting there representing The Ranger, I had to continually mutter to myself the following mantra - "Lock you may be with the boys but you ain't one of the boys."
NOTE #1 - given the number of recipients involved, the ceremony was held at Conmy Hall, Fort Myer, VA, ILO The Pentagon.
NOTE #2 - given this the second speech I've written ... and delivered before SecDef, et al (the first were the remarks I drafted for POTUS to deliver dor the COL's MoH ceremony at the White House) ... where do I go from here but down :/